“Good relationships keep us happier and healthier. Period.” 

– Robert Waldinger, Director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development

Dr. Crystal Goins…

has 13 years of Title One teaching experience in grades K-3 and has delivered professional development to educators for five years on the school and district level.

She is passionate about all things teaching and learning especially relationship-based practices, cross-curricular long-range planning, equitable learning environments, and teacher wellness. In the Spring of 2024, she published her dissertation on the Impact of Relationship-based Classroom Management on Teacher Self-efficacy and Teacher Job Satisfaction for K-3 Public School Teachers Post-pandemic. Her research proved that relationship-based classroom management produces high levels of teacher-self efficacy with mastery experiences and social persuasions in the areas of teacher language, clear expectations, student accountability, and peer-led routines.

Personally, Dr. Crystal Goins is married to Dr. Benjamin Goins and they raise five children in Chesapeake, VA. She branded herself The Resilient Teacher Mom in 2022 telling her personal and professional story behind her relationships-first lifestyle. In the fall of 2024, she will open Heartwise Scholars Microschool in her hometown as a Kaipod Catalyst founder. She chose a microschool educational option for her children to reap the benefits of freedom and flexibility as a homeschool option, but a “micro” structure of a traditional school day. Heartwise Scholars is her dream school that practices the research she published during her dissertation year and implements many research-practiced strategies and methods towards 21st century learning targets . Outside of teaching and learning, she volunteers as a local Young Life leader with her husband at Grassfield High school. They recently moved their family to a home with five acres, so their ministry and microschool has indoor and outdoor benefits of wellness.


Curious about how Crystal Goins began her educational journey and how she balances her work and personal life?

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